Know What to Expect in a Fitness Boot Camp

Enrolling in a Fitness Boot Camp is one of the most popular trends nowadays. People have grown to be more health conscious and are eager to try new things. But before signing up for a Fitness Boot Camp, there are 5 things that you need to know about it.

Know what to expect in a Fitness Boot Camp

Know what to expect in a Fitness Boot Camp

1. It’s an Investment.

Signing up for a Fitness Boot Camp is an investment. It’s an investment of your time, it’s an investment of your commitment, it’s an investment of your energy, and yes, it is an investment of your money.

We all invest in things that are important to us and health should make it to the list of our top priorities in life.  The most important question that you should ask yourself should be “is it worth my investment?”

There are various Fitness Boot Camps that you can enroll in and while it seems practical to choose one that costs less, you should first know what you’re paying for.

First of all, are the trainers professionally certified to do the job?  It is a huge risk for you if your trainers don’t know what they’re doing; you may end up just having wasted your time. You’re not going to achieve the results you expected out of it. They will not be able to teach you what you need to know to accomplish your goals and they may even put you in danger. Fitness Boot Camp trainers must be experts in workout progressions and regressions. There are different fitness levels and trainers must know which exercises are suitable and appropriate for these different levels. They must know the proper techniques and be able to demonstrate to you the proper posture and how to go about these exercises to prevent you from injuries.  Some of the course providers approved by Fitness Australia are TAFFE, FIA, AIF and AIPT. It’s best to invest in a Fitness Boot Camp with a company of trainers who hold Certificates 3 & 4 in Fitness and are certified in Senior First Aid.  While Dangerously Fit offers packages and payment schemes for those who are interested to get into our program, we also boast of having the top list of certified trainers available. Dangerously fit offers the best value for your investment.

You must also inquire about the program that you’re getting into. The company must be willing and able to give you an overview of what workout activities to expect. They must be able to explain how these workouts will benefit you. If what you hear will satisfy you, by all means, sign up!

2. It’s a Commitment.

Joining a Fitness Boot Camp requires your commitment. A Dangerously Fit Boot Camp is a 4-6 week program of intense Resistance Training and High Intensity Cardio workouts. You will not be able to maximize the benefits of these workouts if you will not commit to completing the entire program. If you’re a beginner, you will find yourself being asked to do things that you never thought you’d be capable of, it will take your willingness and determination to do them. Dangerously Fit Boot Camps don’t work well for quitters.

On the other hand, Dangerously Fit is committed in helping you achieve your desired weight and body shape and for you to be in the best possible physical condition. That is why we have trainings all year round and we give our members unlimited access to all classes in all our locations. To date, we have 80 classes a week in 15 suburbs; no other Fitness Programs are as committed to you as we are! We also expect our members to carefully follow the Optimum Nutrition Diet designed by one of Sydney’s leading nutritionists, Rachel Jones.  We want our members to be physically fit and healthy, not just shapely.

3. It’s hard work

Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle, it does not happen overnight. But it does happen if you do the work and when it does, it can last you a lifetime. You may need to drop some habits and take on new ones. We will coach you, motivate you, guide you and teach you every single thing you need to know to make it happen for you.

4. It’s not for everybody.

If you have a medical concern, it’s best to ask your doctor if our program is applicable for you. While there are various physical exercises that cater to people with certain health issues, if your doctor tells you that it would put your life at risk, then it will be best to heed the advice. However, we can work with your Medical Consultant and create a workout that will be suitable for your case.


Dangerously Fit Boot Camps are also not for the faint at heart. We can only help you if you are willing to help yourself. But if you do decide to go for it, we will be there for you every step of the way. We give our members online access to our Trainers and Nutritionist to answer your queries pertaining to your training. You can log on any time and fire away with your questions.

5. It’s addictive.

By the time you’re done with the 6-week program, you will find that your body had not only adjusted to the program but it has also adapted a new lifestyle, one that is healthy and productive. You may even want to continue on with your training with us.  Dangerously Fit Boot Camps aims for long term results.

To join a Dangerously Fit Boot Camp, log on to the Dangerously Fit website and register!