
This workout is split into 3 rounds. The first 2 rounds we’re doing 4 x 1-minute sets with a 30-second between changing sides, and then a 90-second bodyweight finisher. In the 3rd and final round power through all the club exercises performed in rounds 1 and 2.

Round 1: (Total 7-minutes)

  • 1-minute mills
  • 1-minute side lunge swipe

Rest 30-seconds, then swap sides

  • 1-minute mills
  • 1-minute side lunge swipe
  • 90-Seconds Turkish get up (alternating between sides)

Rest 60-seconds

Round 2: (Total 7-minutes)

  • 1-minute swipe to shoulder clean (close feet)
  • 1-minute shield casts

Rest 30-seconds, then swap sides

  • 1-minute swipe to shoulder clean
  • 1-minute shield casts
  • 90-Seconds Hindu Push-ups

Rest 60-seconds

Round 3: (Total 4 ½ -minutes)

  • 30-seconds mills
  • 30-seconds side lunge swipe
  • 30-seconds swipe to shoulder clean
  • 30-seconds shield casts

Rest 30-seconds, then swap sides

  • 30-seconds mills
  • 30-seconds side lunge swipe
  • 30-seconds swipe to shoulder clean
  • 30-seconds shield casts