The first round is a 6-Minute flow AMSAP flow, followed by 2 x 4minute round targeting different muscles groups. Power through as many sets as possible in each round.
6-Minute AMSAP Flow
- 360 to Squat & rotational uppercut
- 360 to Reverse lunge
- 360 to Offset shoulder press
- 360 to Side lunge
2-minute rest
4-minutes AMSAP Lower-body
- 10 reps x Switch side lunge
- 10 reps x Sumo flag press
- 10 reps x Switch squat
2-minute rest
4-minutes AMSAP Upper-body
- 10 reps x Spinning mill
- 10 reps x Single arm 10-To-2 figure 8
- 10 reps x Push up row (5 each side)