If You are Fed up with Impossible Diets, Boring Gym Workouts or Fitness Fads that Don’t Work… Take a minute to Check out this page and See some of the Amazing Results our Members are Getting at Dangerously Fit.

Dangerously Fit
Dear Friend,
If you want to get into shape FAST and stay in shape… then this could be the most important page you’ll ever read.
My name is Dan Clay … I own Dangerously Fit Boot Camp, Balgowlah’s most in-demand and fun fitness program… for the last 14 years I’ve been helping people just like you to get into the best shape of their lives.
Our workouts are quick, fun, inexpensive, extremely effective and only take about 45-minutes… and we’ll have you looking amazing in no time… no matter what kind of shape you’re in now.
With our workouts you will…
Have fun
Feel great
Lose Fat
Tone Up
Flatten your stomach
And so much more
It’s important to me that our campers get results fast and have a lot of fun in the process… so we vary the workouts on a regular basis to keep things fun and keep your body from getting stagnant (which is what can happen if you do the same old workout routine over and over)
And our workouts are extremely affordable so everyone can enjoy them.
There’s absolutely no reason for the ridiculously high cost of hiring a personal trainer when you can get BETTER results in half the time in a more FUN environment at a fraction of the cost… it’s really that simple.
Dangerously Fit Boot Camp Will Quickly Tone Your Muscles, Flatten Your Stomach, Shed Inches From Your Hips & Thighs & Make You Feel Like Ten Years Younger Guaranteed!
Check out the Sidebar and See Some of The Results our Sydney Bootcamp Clients are Getting.
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As you can see above, my Sydney Dangerously Fit Boot Camp gets real and lasting fat loss results for real people JUST LIKE YOU…
HOWEVER… If you’re just looking to join a fitness bootcamp for a quick fix … or if you’re not 100% committed to getting into shape… then our boot camp program isn’t for you… it’s ONLY for action takers… PERIOD.
But… if you’re committed to having the kind of body you deserve… and living the kind of life you KNOW you deserve deep down inside… then I’m willing to help you get there as FAST as possible.
If this sounds like you… then here’s what you need to do …
First, understand that we are only accepting a limited number of campers at this time because in all honesty there’s only so many people we can help without turning into some giant corporation… which I have no interest in doing…
I want to make sure each camper gets all the personalized attention and instruction they’ll need to reach their weight loss goals… so the bottom line is there are only so many people I can work with at a time. As of this writing we still have a few slots left.
When you register for our boot camp here’s what you get…
Quick and fun 45-minute high-intensity boot camp workouts.
Our Dangerously Fit Boot Camp Optimum Nutrition Plan designed by Sydney’s leading nutritionist… which will show you what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it… this nutrition plan alone will practically help the fat fall right off of your body.
Unlimited online access to our trainers and nutritionist.
Access to ALL of our Dangerously Fit Boot Camp times and locations We’re currently running bootcamps in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, CBD, Northern Beaches and the Inner West.
A workout program you can do on the days you can’t make your bootcamp workout… these short and fun workouts will supercharge your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine.
If you were to work with myself or one of my personal trainers you would pay between
$850-$1050 per month. Even if you worked with an average personal trainer you would easily pay $500 per month (for average results).
But the great thing about fitness boot camps is you’ll get even better results than personal training… at a fraction of the cost. Instead, your investment to take part in my boot camp program is as little as $97 per month!
Simply click the register now button to get your 1-week trial for just $1… and because you can train at ANY of our Sydney locations you never need to worry about missing a workout.
It’s more affordable than a personal trainer and much more exciting than the gym… and I can say with confidence it’s the most effective workout program known to man.
And if you’re not happy with the results… I don’t want your money… just check out my ironclad 30 Day Money-Back guarantee…
At this moment you have 2 options… You can leave this website and do absolutely nothing… you can make excuses and put off getting in shape to another day that will never come.
You can register today and lose your fat, tone your muscle and get the kind of body you’ve always wanted.
Click on the button below and follow our simple 3 step sign up and you’ll get full access to all times and locations, and if for any reason bootcamp is not for you… just let us know during your one-week trial and we’ll cancel your membership no worries!
Or, just call 1300 557 735 to learn more today.
You’re an intelligent person and I trust you’ll make the right decision.
Yours in health,
Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Personal Training
Balgowlah, 2093, N.S.W
P.S. – Lifelong fitness and weight loss won’t happen overnight…but it will happen if you commit to making it happen with Dangerously Fit.
P.P.S. – You WILL be satisfied with my Dangerously Fit Boot Camp GUARANTEED! If you’re not happy, we’ll give you your money back…. No questions and no hard feelings… if you don’t get the body you’ve always wanted then I don’t want your money… it’s that simple.
P.P.P.S. – Don’t forget… there are only a few spaces left… so register now to secure your spot.
Boot Camp F.A.Q
Q. If I’m really un-fit, can I still take part in your program?
Q. Are you military style boot camp?
Q. What does the Boot camp consist of?
Q. What about if everyone else is much fitter than me?
Q. How long does it run for?
Q. How many sessions can I attend each week?
Q. How much is your program?
Q. If I sign up for the 3-month program can I pay monthly?
Q. Can I pay cash for each session?
Q. Do you offer student rates?
Q. How long is the duration of the class?
Q. Is it safe to participate if I have high blood pressure or an old injury?
Q. Do I need to bring anything with me to class?
Q. Is there anywhere I can have a shower after class?
Q. What do I do if I want to cancel my membership?
Q. What do you do with my membership if I go on holiday?
Q. What if I miss a class?
Q. What do you do if it rains?
Q. What results can I expect to see?
Q. Can I test drive your boot camp first?
Q. What if I choose not to continue training after my 1-week trial?
Q. How do I register?
Q. If I’m really un-fit, can I still participate in your program?
A. Of course, that’s why you’re coming to see me… everyone has to start somewhere and you’ll be amongst many other people in the same position as yourself.
It’s our job to get you in the best shape possible, as quickly and as safely as possible. So you’ll be pushed outside of your comfort zone but never too far, our goal is to keep you motivated and injury free.
We have a basic fitness test at the beginning of every month and then pair you up with someone of a similar level to yourself, we perform the same fitness test at the beginning of every month to record your progress.
Q. Are you a military style boot camp?
A. No – we don’t scream or shout at people, we’re here to coach and motivate you so you can achieve your goals in a fun environment. Our 45-minute no-nonsense workouts are based around scientific research on what works in the real world.
Q. What does the Boot camp consist of?
A. The type of activities we do are a combination of resistance training (using kettlebells, battling ropes, sledge drags, dumbbells, medicine balls, Olympic rings, sandbags, bodyweight) and high-intensity cardio (circuits, sprints, relays, intervals, hill/stair training) etc.
We also run boxing classes and running groups.
The workouts are designed for weight loss, functional strength and fitness.
Every workout is different to keep things fun and keep your body from getting stagnant (which is what can happen if you do the same old workout routine over and over).
Q. What about if everyone else is much fitter than me?
A. Don’t worry about what your neighbour is doing, you are challenging yourself.
Q. How long does it run for?
A. Dangerously Fit boot camp is a long term fitness solution rather than a 4-6 week course, it’s like an outdoor gym membership but with…
No pushy sales people.
No start up or administration fees.
No queues for equipment.
No stuffy, smelly, cramped indoor rooms (just the smell of the ocean or the fresh air of a park).
Better variety.
More accountability.
Motivation from our instructors and other group members.
A flexible timetable…
…plus it’s heaps more fun.
Q. How many sessions can I attend each week?
A. You can attend as many classes as you like that are listed on our timetable, when you register your name will added to our role call so our trainers will know you’re a Dangerously Fit member. But try not to do too much too soon… especially if you’re a beginner.
Q. How much is your program?
A. What makes us unique from other boot camps is that our members have access to all times and locations, we don’t lock you into training at a specific location or a number of sessions per week… you have full access to all our Sydney classes – which run 6 days a week…. so you’ll never have to worry about missing a workout!
You can choose from our 3 packages…
2 sessions per week for $97/month
3 sessions per week for $147/month
Unlimited sessions per week for $197/month
Q. If I sign up for the 3-month program can I pay monthly?
A. Yes – our programs are billed every 30 days via direct debit.
Q. Can I pay cash for each session?
A. Unfortunately not, our job is to get you in the best shape possible which is much easier if you commit to at least a 4-week training program. Plus it’s very difficult for our trainers to find spare change for everyone at the beginning of each class.
If for any reason direct debit doesn’t suit you, let us know and we can arrange a direct bank transfer (minimum of 3 months in advance).
Q. Do you offer student rates?
A. Yes – just email the office a copy of your student card and we’ll hook you up with our student rates.
Q. How long is the duration of the class?
A. The majority of our classes run for 45 minutes, however we do run some 40 minute and 60-minute classes depending on the location and time of day. All session times are displayed on our timetable.
Q. Is it safe to participate if I have high blood pressure or an old injury?
A. If you’re concerned with any type of health issue always consult your doctor before undertaking any type of fitness regimen.
Q. Do I need to bring anything with me to class?
A. Just bring a bottle of water, a towel and wear some light loose comfortable clothing and running shoes.
Q. Is there anywhere I can have a shower after class?
A. Changing rooms and shower facilities depend on the location. Many of our members will use facilities at the beach, parks or their place of work.
Q. What do I do if I want to cancel my membership?
A. Just send an email to admin@ dangerouslyfit.com.au 7 days from the next debit date. If for any reason the 3-month contract is canceled before it’s expiration date, the amount of the difference between the cost of the month to month and the current contract cost per month for every month trained is due immediately.
Q. What do you do with my membership if I go on holiday?
A. If you let us know before you go we’ll freeze your membership while you’re away.
Q. What if I miss a class?
A. The bootcamp is a package so there are no refunds for missed classes. This helps us keep the overall cost of the boot camp down.
Q. What do you do if it rains?
A. We meet up anyway and decide when we get there.
Q. What results can I expect to see?
A. If you follow our nutrition plan (CAREFULLY) and attend at least 3 boot camp classes per week you can expect to lose 1kg of bodyfat every week.
Your muscle’s will be toned and stronger and you’ll see significant improvements in your fitness and energy levels.
My team and I will do everything we can to help you achieve your results, I want you to become a walking talking billboard!
Click here to check out some of our members success stories.
Q. Can I test drive your boot camp first?
A. Yes – we currently have a one week trial for $1.
Q. What if I choose not to continue training after my 1-week trial?
A. Just let us know before your 1-week trial finishes and we won’t process your payment, if you choose to stay on board do nothing and you will be billed at the end of your trial period.
Q. How do I register?
A. To activate your 1-week trial just click the ‘Register Now’ button below and follow the instructions.
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So you feel it is time to start working out, build up good strength and get into proper shape. Just how do you plan to achieve your goal? You have two options. One is to hire a Balgolwlah personal trainer another is joining a Balgolwlah boot camp.
The other option is to join a Balgolwlah gym. Since hiring a personal trainer could appear an expensive option you would probably join boot camp Balgolwlah. After all, bootcamps are places that advertise successful body building and workouts and going by the number of people who join, it definitely appears the right choice.
No, it is not.
Taking up membership in a Balgolwlah gym has a host of disadvantages, so read the points mentioned below before you make a decision:
No individual attention
As mentioned above you can get carried away by the fact that gyms are popular places for working out.
Yes, they may be popular – so popular that at any given time there is a crowd of earnest people doing their best to sweat it out – building strength, losing weight and in general toning up.
But these efforts are crowd-oriented. There is no personal attention or support to guide you through the workouts. You will be on your own, and if you do not see any positive changes after weeks of working out, chances are you will want to call it a day – and stop attending the gym.
When proper planning is required
When you decide to work out you are making a decision that will hopefully result in vital physical changes in your life.
So a proper action plan needs to be put in place. Not only the actual workout sessions, but your diet also needs to be tailored to suit your action plan. Who will you fall back on to make these decisions for you? Gym managements may or may not offer such individual services,
Deciding diet issues
Left to yourself when working out in a Balgolwlah gym, you would probably follow the general rule of making dramatic cuts in your calorie consumption, totally removing particular food items from your diet. That is not what proper dieting is all about.
Because you do not have the required knowledge you will be depriving your body of many essential nutrients. This could induce initial weight loss due to loss of muscle and water. Your metabolism will then slow down and in the long term you will put on more weight.
Becoming one in the crowd
When group workout sessions are held in a gym you literally become a number. Your individual needs are not taken into account – it is like one size fits all. This could have negative repercussions.
You may have a few special physical needs which only a Balgolwlah personal trainer would be able to assess.
Working out in a general group in such an event, could prove difficult. Also without being accountable to a higher authority and with no individual support and morale boosting you could soon lose interest and stop your gym attendance, defeating your workout intentions.