outdoor group personal training in rushcutters bay

You NEED To Get Yourself Down To The Rushcutters Bay Boot Camp…

get fit and lose weight

Get Unlimited Access To 9 Rushcutters Bay Fitness Boot Camp Classes And Over 75
Other Workouts Across Sydney’s Metro Area – 6 Days Per Week!

Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Personal Training
08:01am Friday, November 1st

Dear Rushcutters Bay resident,

 2 bullet point Are you struggling with your weight or lack of fitness?

 2 bullet point Do you find yourself lacking in the energy and self-esteem departments?

 2 bullet point Wish you could shed the kilos for good…along with the unflattering clothes?

 2 bullet point Want to get into the best shape you’ve ever been in – and stay that way for life?

If that sounds like you, the opportunity of a lifetime is beckoning you right now. That’s because down at Rushcutters Bay Park everyday of the week a fitness boot camp that is achieving incredible results for people – just like you – is being held.

This Is YOUR Opportunity To Be A Part Of A Really Exciting Group Training Experience!

boot camp rushcutters bayBoot Camp combines expert advice and help with loads of motivation and encouragement in a group setting!

Yet at the same time, the experience is a personal one that is just as effective – if not more so – than intensive personal training.

Boot Camp gets you moving and having fun, while you lose weight, tone up and shape up for the body you’ve always wanted.

How do I know? Because I designed Dangerously Fit Boot Camp.

I’m Dan Clay and for the last 11 years my personal training team and I here at Dangerously Fit have been transforming lives – and the health and physiques – of people like yourself.

And at The Rushcutters Bay Boot Camp the Results our Clients are Getting are Amazing!

Book Yourself In NOW To Our Rushcutters Bay Boot Camp,
Firm Up and Shape Up For Life! 

But you better act fast!
To ensure you receive the best quality personal training we only accept a limited number of people into our fitness boot camp at Rushcutters Bay at any one time. 

Places fill really fast, so REGISTER NOW!

And If For Any Reason You Are Dissatisfied, Check Out Our Money Back Guarantee…


outdoor group fitness rushcutters baySign up for the Rushcutters Bay Boot Camp NOW and get yourself well on the way to achieving your health and fitness goals!

Yours in Looking Great and Feeling Great, 

Dan Clay

Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit Boot Camp
Personal Training Rushcutters Bay,
Sydney, 2011, NSW

P.S. These outdoor group fitness workouts fill up quickly and numbers are limited, so BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment!

P.P.S. If you’re STILL undecided then give me a call ANYTIME on 1800 791 446 or email admin@ dangerouslyfit.com.au and I’ll answer any questions you have. If I don’t answer I’ll call you back as soon as humanly possible.