One of the advantages of training with a sandbag is that you can challenge the body in different ways by holding the bag in different positions, without, changing exercises or changing the load inside the bag.

For example, when performing a squat, the bag can be held on the body in multiple ways, and all will have a different training outcome.

The bear hug squat places the bag on the front of the body and acts as a counterbalance which is an excellent corrective exercise for keeping the lifter in an upright position in the sagittal plane.

Whereas the shoulder squat places the load asymmetrically on the body which will challenge the core to maintain its postural alignment in the frontal plane.

Rarely do coaches or personal trainers consider programming the placement of the load, but how you hold the load can completely change how you train.

Once you consider how the load is placed on the body and how this changes the training outcome, you have far more options to choose from when designing training programs for your clients and athletes.

Want to learn more about sandbag training, click here to check out my new Sandbag Strength Instructors Course.