The Bulgarian bag high pull is predominantly a swing-based movement and is the precursor for the snatch. If you want to get good at the snatch you must first master the high pull.
Teaching Points
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the bag resting against your legs and the main handles pointing upwards.
2. Hinge the hips whilst keeping your chest proud and core braced, your torso should be at a 30–45-degree angle with your knees slightly bent.
3. Grab the bag by the main handles keeping your shoulders packed down and a straight line between crown and coccyx.
4. Keep your arms locked out and swing the bag back through the legs absorbing the force into your hips.
5. Drive the bag forward with a powerful hip drive, at the end of the first third of the swing initiate the pull by drawing back the elbows.
6. At the top of the movement the bag should finish at chest height.
7. Gently push the bag away from the body and return the bag to a swing.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Allowing too much knee bend and performing a ‘squatting’ action.
Correction: Focus on keeping the knees still and pushing the hips back during the low phase of the swing. Should have a similar sensation as a hamstring stretch.