This Bulgarian bag swing to lateral lunge and arm throw is three exercises combined to make one movement. It starts with the lateral swing, followed by the lateral lunge and then the arm throw. It’s a technical exercise and should only be attempted once the arm throw and lateral swing exercises can be performed with proficient technique.
Teaching Points
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the bag resting against your legs and the main handles pointing upwards.
- Hinge the hips whilst keeping your chest proud and core braced, your torso should be at a 30–45-degree angle with your knees slightly bent.
- Grab the bag by the main handles keeping your shoulders packed down, arms locked out and a straight line between crown and coccyx.
- Swing the bag laterally just outside of one leg, rotate the thoracic so your midline stays centred to the bag.
- Focus on the opposite hip sway, so as the bag swings to the left of your body, counter the movement by swaying your hip to the right.
- Powerfully driving the hips forward at a 45-degree angle, as the bag passes the front of the body at the bottom of the swing, charge your weight in the opposite direction to counter the weight.
- Swing the back bag the way it came and immediately take a large lunge to the side whilst simultaneously performing an arm throw.
9. Aim to keep a strong upright posture with your feet rooted firmly to the floor, slightly twist the shoulders to initiate the next swing casting the bag away from the body back into the lateral swing whilst you drive down hard through your lunging leg and return to the lateral swing.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Breaking for the hips and leaning forward during the lunge.
Correction: Only go as low as you with good form, slow the movement down and pause between reps if you need to.
Error: The bag slamming into the back of the shoulders.
Correction: Keep the bag as tight to the body during the pull and practice the timing of the pull and lunge without a bag.