Chris Hemsworth, who played the role of ‘Thor,’ needed to make massive body changes to be fit for the role. With the movie’s tremendous success, Chris Hemsworth hasn’t just created a name for himself being the ‘God of Thunder,’ but as well as a devoted actor who needed to gain twenty pounds of muscle to be able to look the character and look of Thor.
Knowing the ‘Chris Hemsworth Workout’
Chris Hemsworth’s workout designed by his personal trainer Michael Knight, which is both challenging and interesting. Not like other celebrity training that centered on isolation exercises that can help the celebrity get ripped for the role, Michael Knight rather designed Chris’ workout to concentrate more on compound exercises that needed the engagement of more groups of muscles. This helped the actor to train his whole body, rather than just specific parts of the body, which allows him to maximize development of muscles, along with the amount of calories scorched. To avoid plateau, his personal trainer always made changes in the exercise routine to ensure that his body won’t become accustomed to the routines. These particular changes might be as extreme as giving him various weights to lift, changing reps, adding drop sets or perhaps these might be no more than altering his hands positioning while performing pull-ups.

You don’t only have to get ample amount of exercise, you should also have to have the right type of diet, as well as, enough sleep to be able to achieve Chris Hemsworth’s physique.
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The other part of Chris Hemsworth’s workout routine focused on circuit training that mostly centered on using a kettlebell from a set of exercises, which basically incorporated cardio and weightlifting. These specific exercises were intended to help tone the muscles he developed without jeopardizing the loss of muscles.
Besides the actual training, one important (yet frequently ignored) aspect of Hemsworth’s workout routine is definitely the amount of rest he needed to help him achieve the bulk he wanted for his character as ‘Thor’. Sleep provides the body the ability to fix any kind of muscle tears that could have happened because of intense workout routines. In addition, it is during rest that the system releases growth hormones, allowing the muscles to get bigger. Therefore, individuals who are striving to try the ‘Thor’ workout shouldn’t neglect to get rest to allow them to achieve the same results like the actor.
Chris’ workout was very effective that he became too big to fit his Thunder God’s costume, requesting him to take a crash diet and carry out more aerobic workouts a couple of days before shooting began so he could easily fit in his costume.
Chris Hemsworth’s Diet
As Chris Hemsworth’s workout program was crucial in helping him get in shape for his film role, the actor merits his weight gain mostly on the amount of eating he had when preparing for the movie. Actually, after filming, even if he continued to train as hard as he could while shooting, he were able to shed around 15 pounds or more rapidly as he was not eating too much.
This diet he adopted comprised of protein-rich food like steak, quinoa, fish, chicken breast and vegetables in order to help him develop muscles. In addition, he ate lots of unprocessed carbohydrates like fruits for his body to decelerate protein breakdown that can help build muscles. The actor also consumed smaller meals every 2 or 3 hours instead of three large meals that is common among individuals trying to get aesthetic builds.
Regardless of the considerable amounts of food he needed to eat to help him get ready for his role, Chris was cautious enough to make sure that he still adopted a healthy diet plan. He attempted to consume a well-balanced diet, such as food that had healthy fat. Common types of good fats are nuts, eggs and avocado.
Here’s a statement from Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer, Michael Knight regarding Chris’ workout published on
The Thor Workout: How Chris Hemsworth Became a Viking God
[quote style=”boxed”]“Once you get an actor to their desired shape, the tricky part is keeping them there — a lot of people tend to slack off,” says Michael Knight, who’s been training with Chris Hemsworth on and off for years.[/quote]
Chris Hemsworth’s workout routine is not even close to simple and easy, not for the faint-hearted. You don’t only have to get ample amount of exercise, you should also have to have the right type of diet, as well as, enough sleep to be able to achieve Chris Hemsworth’s physique. What made his workout so effective was the dedication and commitment to the role he demonstrated.
Each time a person even starts to think about exercising, they have to consider their current fitness level. It is usually suggested that you consult your physician prior to starting any workout.
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