The sandbag heel clean is excellent for athletes and clients that require greater speed development.
Teaching Points
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart or wide enough to place the bag back between the heels.
- With the bag placed behind your heels, hinge at the hips whilst looking forward and down.
- Keep the chest proud, shoulders packed and back flat.
- Grasp the sandbag by the handles, brace the core and keep a neutral spine.
- Drive down hard through the heels, explode your hips forward and squeeze the glutes.
- Pull the bag through the legs until it reaches chest level, then quickly drop your elbows under the bag and catch it on the sternum.
- Your elbows will be tight to the body and pointing down with your shoulders packed down.
- Repeat the movement.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Rounding out the back at the bottom of the movement.
Correction: Keep the hips down, chest up and back flat.