Workers Make Money for Losing Weight            

Your workplace is probably not on your list of places to have weight-loss success. Besides, birthday cakes and donuts pop up anytime, office mates always keep candy jars on their desks, plus the vending machine is so accessible whenever a craving strikes. Nevertheless, maybe your workplace should be on the list.

Weight-loss programs at your workplace could be effective in encouraging employees both lose weight and keep it off. As a matter of fact, workplaces wanting to cut back employees’ medical expenses could find money is an excellent incentive.

New weight loss study from the University of Texas has discovered that monetary incentives really are a highly motivational tool to motivate workers to shed weight. They took the time to analyze 4 various worker weight loss alternatives in an organization, and to keep track of over 2635 workers weigh loss results to find out what encouraged employees to shed weight.

Money as Weight Loss Motivator Photo Credit:

Money as Weight Loss Motivator
Photo Credit:

The first option allowed the employees to join and took part in weigh-ins without financial offers. The other option allowed workers to participate a weight loss program free of charge. The employees were paid monetary incentives once per quarter to lose weight.

The third option consists of employees paying out to join a weight loss program with an additional refund policy by the end of the year depending on how much weight they shed.

And the last potion being for workers to pay to participate in the weight loss program, with the company paying the employees a rebate every three months, instead of by the end of the year.

The results that have surprised researchers discovered that the workers who received some financial incentive shed more weight compared to the other group.

Is Money the Ultimate Weight-Loss Motivator at Work?

Need a kick in the butt when it comes to weight loss? Your workplace may have just the motivation you’re looking for. New research from the University of Texas at Arlington suggests that financial incentives are effective in encouraging employees to lose weight—and that they have the potential to help a business’s bottom line, too.

Making weight loss a game brings out healthy competition, a goal to achieve, incentives and bonuses, and the list continues. So, if ever you have this kind of competition in your workplace, take part and have fun!

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