Guess what’s making a comeback to the small world of fitness? Oh alright, don’t guess, just read the title. That’s right – the skates have made its way back and begging to be introduced to the young generation.
When was the last time there were skates? Early 80s? Several years ago, roller blades were invented and kids loved them. A few years later, kiddie shoes with wheels were selling like hotcakes. Mark this, given the chance, the roller skates may just redeem our kids from their computer games and gadgets (they may need a little help in the beginning, so hide those gadgets, strap the skates on their feet, push them out the door, and lock it behind them.)

Roller skates are making a huge comeback into the fitness world
CC by Will Merydith,
Seriously, roller skates may have been left to rust but it’s high time people get educated on what it can do to improve and develop a person’s fitness.
Someone thought it a good idea and came up with a fitness program called “Roller fit”. Here’s an excerpt from an article on My Daily News:
Roller Fit For Fitnes
Here are some of the reasons why Roller Skating is beneficial to your fitness:
Benefits Of Roller Skating Fitness
1.It strengthens one of the most important muscles in your body – your heart.
Roller skates is the top cardiovascular workout that targets all the muscles in your body, including your heart.
2. It’s a great calorie-burner.
It’s a low intensity workout but it does burn those calories and help you lose the fat. For a normal 143 pound person, half an hour of 6 MPH skating can help you burn 330 calories and if you rev to 10 MPH, you can burn as much as 590 calories.
3. It works your flexibility, agility, balance and strength.
NBA Slam Dunk Champion, Fred Jones made a historical vertical leap in 2004 which he credited to all the skating he had been doing.
4. It’s Fitness on Wheels!
You don’t necessarily have to join any fitness class to do roller skating. As long as you learn how to move forward, you can put on your skates for wherever you may be going. In fact, the kiddie shoes with wheels are actually a great idea. You can skate to the park, skate to your friend, skate to the bank or skate to the work.
We don’t do skates, but we get to burn calories the fast, fun and effective way! Sign up for our bootcamps and make weight loss happen for you.