This movement is like the two-handed swing as performed with a kettlebell, however due to the width of the bag you’ll need to swing the Aqua power bag with one hand on top and change sides after each rep or set.
Teaching Points
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width with the bag between your legs and the neutral handles facing upwards.
- Hinge the hips whilst keeping your chest proud and core braced, your torso should be at a 30–45-degree angle with your knees slightly bent.
- Grab the bag by the neutral handles keeping your shoulders packed down and a straight line between crown and coccyx.
- Keep your arms locked out and swing the bag back between the legs absorbing the force into your hips.
- Drive your hips forward and upwards and let the bag float up to shoulder height.
- Rotate the bag vertically at the top and let it float back towards the floor, wait for the bag to pass your legs before you hinge the hips.
- Repeat the movement with you other hand on top.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Hinging the hips too early.
Correction: Wait for your arms to connect with your legs before you hinge.