Now that the fundamental battle rope exercises are covered, we can begin looking at complexes.

Complexes combine multiple exercises within a set without a rest between each exercise.

Depending on your fitness goals there are many ways to create a complex.

Personally, I like to combine an equal balance of the following movements.

  1. Upper body push (i.e. presses).
  2. Upper body pull (i.e. rope pulls).
  3. Lower body hip dominant (.i.e. reverse lunges).
  4. Lower body quad dominant (i.e. squats).
  5. Multi-planar velocity training (waves).

Oftentimes exercises will combine more than movement, for example reverse lunge and wave is both hip dominant and velocity. This is normal, the key is to train opposing muscle groups in balance.

So, for upper body whatever you push, try to pull for an equal amount of time or reps. Same goes for lower body, balance quad dominant exercises with hip dominant exercises.

I also want to incorporate multi-planar movements into the complex ensuring there are exercises in the a) sagittal plane, b) frontal plane and c) transverse plane.

These can be in the form of different wave movements (.i.e. grappler toss) or body movements (.i.e. lateral lunge and wave).

Battle rope complexes are excellent for building strength endurance, boosting cardiovascular fitness and assisting with fat loss.

Here are some examples of battle ropes complexes, they are HIIT style workouts so train with intensity. The goal is to finish each complex without rest.

Complex 1.

Exercise Time
Sea saw press30 seconds
Alternating waves30 seconds
Alternating Wave Squats30 seconds
Reverse lunge waves30 seconds
Grappler toss30 seconds
Standing pull30 seconds

Complex 2.

Exercise Time
Alternating lateral lunge waves30 seconds
Drummer waves30 seconds
Floor press30 seconds
Power slam30 seconds
Plank pull30 seconds


Complex 3.

Exercise Time
Sidewinder wave squats30 seconds
Side shuffle waves30 seconds
Seated pull30 seconds
Reverse lunge outside circles30 seconds
Overhead press30 seconds
Upper cuts30 seconds