Boot Camp Training in the Park
Regardless if you are seriously active in the fitness world or rarely exercise, you have probably heard so much about boot camp training. It is often held outdoors which is the perfect setting for them. People head to fitness camps as they are far more inexpensive, they can work out with peers, and so are very accessible. It’s an extremely practical option for many people to get fit.
Boot camps in the park early in the morning have become a familiar site in many cities since the equipment is easily accessible like park benches and playground equipment. Recently, they have become a popular workout program for many people. Their instant popularity is mainly due to fitness camp members, in whom many of them have achieved their weight loss and fitness goals by means of getting a regular fitness camp exercise class.
Nevertheless, the noise from boot camps in parks has sparked a conflict between some of the residents living near these parks.
Here’s an article from Jason Byrne of
Boot Camp Noise in the City
Should Boot Camps Be Banned From Parks?
“Fitness “boot camps” are becoming an increasingly common feature within Australian parks. Typically, a personal trainer will charge a modest fee to instruct a small group that gathers in a public park to work out. Sessions usually last about an hour. But as boot camps have grown in popularity, some park users and residents have become annoyed by the noise and competition for space. People have called for the practice to be closely regulated or banned altogether. Is this fair and what are the alternatives?”
Indeed, the noise early in the morning can be irritating and annoying sometimes, but as long as boot camp instructors are respectful of their surroundings there should be no reason why everyone can’t enjoy the park and the benefits of being fit and healthy.
For additional information on boot camps, workout training and diet plans, check out Dangerously Fit’s website at