The Bulgarian bag rotational press is essentially a military press but with the added movement of hip rotation. This rotational will engage the core differently and add a more athletic element to the traditional press.
Teaching Points
- Begin with the bag in the rack position and your feet shoulder width apart.
- Keep the core braced, glutes tight and shoulders packed down.
- Press the bag vertically overhead and simultaneously rotate through the thoracic, rotate the hips and let the back foot pivot on the ball of the foot (squish the bug).
- At the top of the movement extend the elbows so your arms lock out and put your head ‘through the window’.
- To initiate the downward phase, fire up the lats and actively pull the bag back into the rack position and return to front facing position.
- Repeat the movement.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Hyperextending the lower back.
Correction: Keep a neutral spine throughout.