The Bulgarian bag walking oblique swing essentially combines the rotational swing with a small step, be sure to keep the steps small otherwise you’ll lose control of the bag. This exercise really targets the hamstring on trailing leg like nothing else.
Teaching Points
- Stand in a staggered stance with the bag resting against your legs and the main handles pointing upwards.
- Hinge the hips whilst keeping your chest proud and core braced, your torso should be at a 30–45-degree angle with your knees slightly bent.
- Grab the bag by the main handles keeping your shoulders packed down and a straight line between crown and coccyx.
- Keep your arms locked out and swing the bag across the front of the body as you take a small step forward, as the bag passes the body rotate your shoulders so that your midline stays facing the bag.
- Drive your hips forward and upwards and let the bag float up to shoulder height and to the other side.
- Repeat the movement.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Losing control of the bag as you step.
Correction: Ensure you only take small steps.