Food Network’s TV Personality, Paula Deen is one of tinsel town’s topic nowadays, having had a significant weight loss of 60 lbs in light of her diabetes II diagnosis. The star cook and author of 14 recipe books had been all over various TV shows and magazines, sharing some of her secrets but sticks to what she knows best: Food.

Paula Deen has 6 basic food rules that she lives up to. We’ll check out the list she gave Woman’s Day dot com and see how it fares with our very own diet principles.

For Paula Deen, Moderation Is The Key To Weight Loss CC-BY-Share Alike 3.0

For Paula Deen, Moderation Is The Key To Weight Loss
CC-BY-Share Alike 3.0

Paula Deen’s 6 Basic Food Rules:

1.Moderation, not deprivation.

Paula Deen and her sons are true southerners who just can’t live without the food they’re all accustomed to. According to this TV Star, she changed her habit of eating her grandmother’s chocolate pound cake and southern fried chicken once a week to just having a small portions of both the cake and the chicken once a month.

Dangerously fit founder, fitness expert and author of Weight Loss Secrets, Dan Clay strongly recommends grilled or roasted anything over fried foods.

However, the book also talks about scheduling a cheat day wherein you can eat the food you’ve been craving for but you know you shouldn’t eat. This way, the cravings can get satisfied and you can avoid giving in to bingeing and eating so much more than you planned.

2.Controlled portions.

Paula Deen says a plateful of meal must consist of just a fistful for each – carbohydrates and meat and half of it must be occupied with vegetables.

Vegetables should definitely be on the menu for lunch and dinner. Dangerously fit’s nutrition plan suggests the inclusion of a lot of salad and vegetables which contain a lot of nutrients – vitamins and minerals, that the body needs.

It would be easier for first-timers to fill themselves up with vegetables instead of drastically cutting down on the portions.

For carbs, whole meal grains and pasta are much more preferred.

Lunch would also be the best time to eat your carbohydrates as dinners must be reserved for food that can be easily digested.

3.No low-fat or any fat free substitutes.

Paula Deen insists that instead of eating food that may seem of lower calories but are dissatisfying to the palate, eat real food. Just eat less servings when you do.

The Dangerously fit nutrition plan suggests avoiding rich, creamy and buttery sauces because of its high calorie and saturated fat contents.

4. Converse while you eat.

Paula Deen says that if you talk to other people during meals, the slower you can finish your food which will make you feel fuller much faster than when you eat alone.

Weight Loss Secrets author, Dan Clay actually agrees to this. Eat slowly. It’s like buying time for there is a signal that goes to the brain after twenty minutes that tells it that the stomach is full.

5. Healthy Replacements.

It’s as simple as ordering coleslaw instead of fries at the restaurant.

It goes the same for Dangerously fit. There is no need to deprive oneself of eating at restaurants just because you’re on a weight loss plan. Instead, choose your food wisely and points out that food preparation may be key. Instead of fried, go for grilled, steamed or boiled fish or meat; or instead of mashed potato, order boiled new potatotes.

6. Eat protein with carbs.

Paula Deen says peanut butter with fruit, instead of just going for carbohydrate-filled smoothies is better.

In Weight Loss Secrets, Dan Clay discusses that adding more protein in your diet can keep you feeling full for the rest of the day. The protein also works the digestive system twice as hard so calories are being burned more in that activity. Consuming more protein combined with proper muscle building programs can help you achieve more weight loss The more muscles you have, more calories you burn during workouts and other physical activities.

Here’s a video of Paula Deen on ABC News:

Paula Deen’s Sample Weight Loss Meal Portions

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