The rotating sandbag snatch is another old school strength exercise that was performed with the barbell. The sandbag is a much safer alternative to the barbell and allows us to reintroduce this excellent movement that develops torque and functional core strength.
Teaching Points
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Start with the sandbag placed vertically between your feet.
- Keep a neutral spine, hinge at the hips whilst looking forward and down (at the horizon).
- Grasp the sandbag with the two wide handles and keep the core braced.
- Drive down hard through the heels, explode your hips forward and squeeze the glutes. Your feet can leave the floor during the explosive hip drive motion, stomp the heels on the ground for extra power generation.
- Simultaneously drive the elbows upwards, once the bag reaches chest height rotate the arms so that the bottom arm is now on top.
- Lock out your arms, upper back and shoulders to stabilise the weight overhead.
- Lower the bag and repeat the movement.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Not controlling the weight in the overhead position.
Correction: Lock out your arms, upper back and shoulders to stabilise the weight overhead as quickly as possible.