
The one handed swing is a fundamental kettlebell exercise, but the exercise can also be performed perfectly well with a sandbag. The exercise strengthens the posterior muscle chain within a dynamic exercise that includes both acceleration and deceleration phases. The swing has a massive carry over to general activity and sports due to the powerful snapping hip extension involved.

Teaching Points

  1. Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with the sandbag folded into two and placed 8-12 inches in front of you.
  2. Hinge the hips whilst keeping your chest proud and core braced, your torso should be at a 30–45-degree angle with your knees slightly bent.
  3. Grasp the carry handle whilst keeping your shoulders packed down and a straight line between crown and coccyx.
  4. Keep your arm locked out and swing the bag back through the legs absorbing the force into your hips, your free hand will mirror the lifting hand.
  5. Drive your hips forward and upwards and let the bag float up to shoulder height.
  6. Wait for the bag to float back towards the floor, allowing arm lifting arm to touch the body before you hinge the hips again.
  7. Repeat the movement.

Common Problems & Solutions

Error: Allowing too much knee bend and performing a ‘squatting’ action.
Correction: Focus on keeping the knees still and pushing the hips back during the low phase of the swing. Should have a similar sensation as a hamstring stretch.