
The sandbag shoulder squat can be performed comfortably with a sandbag and is a great unilateral exercise. Be sure to keep the head straight and the spine neutral throughout this movement.

Teaching Points

  1. Hold the sandbag in the shoulder position.
  2. Brace the abdominal and back muscles, because the sandbag is unilaterally loaded this position will really engage the core to keep the spine in a vertical position.
  3. Initiate the squat by flexing from the knees and hips.
  4. Lower slowly to a comfortable position (thighs parallel to the floor if possible).
  5. From the bottom position push the ground away keeping the chest lifted throughout to maintain a neutral spine.
  6. Keep knees in line with toes and heels down.
  7. Return to the standing position and concentrate on getting the hips forward and squeezing the glutes.

Common Problems & Solutions

Error: Keeping the spine straight.
Correction: Engage the core, keep the chest proud and shoulders packed.