Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts!
Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days!
The steel club arm balance row exercise can be thought of as a renegade row that incorporates a rotation and press. While the renegade row involves keeping the hips closed, the arm balance row requires rotating the hips and shoulders while pressing the club vertically. This exercise can be executed on a single side or by alternating sides with two steel clubs. The arm balance row exercise is a challenging but effective exercise that targets your back, arms, and core muscles.
Teaching Points
- Place the steel club under one shoulder to begin.
- Grip the steel club with one hand and place the other hand on the floor for support.
- Assume a pushup position with your feet placed in a comfortable but challenging position.
- Engage your core, squeeze your glutes, and keep your wrists fixed throughout the movement.
- Push your supporting hand into the floor and row the steel club with your other hand towards your body.
- Slightly rotate your hips and shoulders while maintaining eye contact with the steel club.
- Press the steel club vertically until your elbow is fully extended.
- Ensure that your supporting arm is directly underneath the pressing arm.
- Maintain a straight line from your supporting foot to your lifting shoulder.
- Slowly lower the steel club back down to the starting position.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Hips sagging.
Correction: Keep your back flat and your core engaged throughout the movement.