For those individuals that definitely have made several attempts in losing weight, following the newest diet craze is very difficult to ignore. Considering that, despite the fact that other diets did not work, it may seem that the newest diet might definitely be the one that really works.

It is no surprise whenever a new diet program takes control of the modeling world, taking into consideration that we have heard of anything, from the Master Cleanse diet to the Corset diet; however, the most talked diet fad concerning models is just absolutely disturbing. As we discovered that Eddie Murphy’s daughter, Bria Murphy, who is an aspiring model, stated that some models have considered eating cotton balls that are soaked in orange juice just to feel satiated on almost zero calories, we’re absolutely shocked. There is an absurd pressure on models to get thin and slim, particularly throughout busy times such as fashion week; however, ingesting non-food products in your medicine cabinet and soaking them in the juice will take things to a totally new low.

 The cotton ball diet is nothing but a harmful starvation diet. Photo Credit:

The cotton ball diet is nothing but a harmful starvation diet.
Photo Credit:

Doctors and health professionals said that this type of diet is so harmful. First, let us begin with the potential choking effect one could trigger while attempting to consume a cotton ball. This might cause someone to possibly take away liquid to their lungs while they attempt to cough out these fibers from their respiratory system, and therefore, it might result in a variety of problems such as bronchitis and aspiration pneumonia.

If an individual successfully ingests the cotton balls, they might then have to deal with dangers such as constipation, bowel necrosis and twisting of their intestines. Many of these conditions can result in severe stomach pain, requiring interventional surgery that could have serious adverse effects and complications.

Check out this video regarding young girls trying out this new diet fad.

Girls Eat Cotton Balls Dipped In Orange Juice To Stay Thin

It is difficult to think that any dieter is willing to turn to eating only cotton balls. However, surprisingly, this is just what the followers of this harmful dietary fad did to be able to slim down. The cotton ball diet grew to become popular when fitness professionals started to know the relationship between weight loss and a high fiber diet. Considering the fact that cotton balls are high in fiber, fewer calories, very filling and simply available, they were considered as a weight-loss wonder.

On the other hand, it was not a long time before followers of this harmful dietary fad started to feel such terrible side effects like severe malnutrition, as well as, digestive health issues. This is due to the fact that cotton balls are simply as healthy as cardboard. Actually, the cotton ball diet is nothing but a harmful starvation diet.

The sad thing about all this is the fact that models nowadays are meant to symbolize an image of beauty along with a wholesome life. Young women who grab magazines all desire to be similar to these models, but actually, they have to stay away of bad eating habits.

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