When we’re aiming for weight loss, we keep track of our weight on the scale and our calorie count; and that’s usually just about it for any regular Joe. But what we should really be keeping note of is the one that we usually oversee – our heart rate.
What exactly is a heart rate? A heart rate is usually measured by the beats per minute (BPM). The heart responds differently to the various physical activities that the body is given. Your heartbeat’s speed is faster in anaerobic training than it is when you’re doing fat burning workouts.
The heart rate is usually proportionate to the amount of intensity given to a physical activity. The harder you exercise, the faster the bpm ticks.
What is the benefit of knowing your heart rate?
Knowing your heart rate informs you of the limits of your workout. If the heart rate is below what your body can perform, you can add the intensity you need to help you achieve the maximum results of your workout. It also tells you when moderation needs to be applied.
Knowing your heart rate will not help you any if you don’t know how to use it. Let’s get into a few simple equations to figure out the maximum heart rate that you have for your age and condition. For men, the standard number for calculation is 220. Subtract your age from the standard number. Your maximum heart rate is 65-75% of the sum.
For example, you are a 40-year-old male. 220 – 40 = 180. 65% of 180 is 117. Your target heart rate in weight loss would have to be 117.
For females, the standard number for calculation is 226.
Here’s a CBS News account on a Heart Rate Fitness Training Program:
Check out : http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/obesity-boot-camp/
A heart rate training program, partnered with a healthy and nutritious diet just might be the best fitness option for you in your quest for a successful weight loss.
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