
This is the same movement as the outward circles except instead of moving outwards, the rope moves inwards. Battle rope inside circle will feel a little more awkward than when performing outside circles and you might find the rope slamming into itself halfway down the rope.

Teaching Points

  1. Grab the battle rope by the ends of the rope in a handshake grip, don’t grip the battling rope too tightly otherwise you’ll fatigue the forearm muscles.
  2. Slightly hinge the hips, keep a neutral spine, brace the core muscles and keep your eyes fixed on the anchor point.
  3. Keep the chest up proud and shoulders packed and retracted.
  4. Draw an inward circle with your wrists to create a corkscrew wave that moves all the way to the anchor.
  5. The smaller your waves the faster the undulations move through the rope, the larger your waves the slower the undulations are sent through the rope.
  6. Match your breath to your movement, get into a rhythm.

Common Problems Solutions

Error: Slouching the shoulders forward.

Correction. Keep the chest up proud and shoulders retracted and packed.


Alternating inside circles
Kneeling inside circles
Seated inside circles