Whenever I ‘m cheap it always ends up being expensive.
In the past week, two cheap kettlebells I bought less than a year ago completely broke in two.
Kettlebells are cast iron and should last for life.
Compare that to the first ever kettlebell I bought 15-years ago, it was expensive and I still have it to this day.
Now… I have to spend more $$ just to replace the ones that broke, if’ I hadn’t been a tight-ass I would have had them for life.
I won’t make the same mistake again.
I see this with clients too.
Price shopping to find the cheapest solution to lose weight and get in shape.
Low cost personal trainers on Gumtree, 24-hour gym memberships, $15 Keto E-Books and Fad fitness equipment…
…bouncing from one program to the next… but never really INVESTING in themselves.
The result?
They end up spending more money than they would have if they had just bought a quality program the first time round… AND they’re still no closer to their goals!
Take my client Dan for example (see Dans story below)
Dan invested in my 6-Week Challenge.
He lost 6 kilos during the challenge, continued his training with Dangerously Fit… and lost another 6 kilos.
Not only has he lost 12 kilos in 12 weeks, as a side benefit, he now has all the tools he needs to lose weight whenever he wants.
Invest once… and reap the rewards for life, tis a smart move!
One of my mentors used to say… ‘Pay once, cry once”.
So true!
Till next time
Dan Clay
Dangerously Fit
P.S. Ready to invest in yourself and achieve lifelong fat loss?
Go here: https://www.dangerouslyfit.com.au/programs/