The sandbag hack squat is a very underused and underperformed exercise for developing the quads. It’s also a great exercise if you wish to avoid loading the spine as the weight is below your hips and reduces the forces and strain placed on the spine.
Teaching Points
- Hold the sandbag behind the body.
- Brace the abdominal and back muscles to maintain an upright posture.
- Initiate the squat by flexing from the knees and hips.
- Lower slowly to a comfortable position (thighs parallel to the floor if possible).
- From the bottom position push the ground away keeping the chest lifted throughout to maintain a neutral spine.
- Keep knees in line with toes and heels down throughout.
- Return to the standing position and concentrate on getting the hips forward whilst squeezing the glutes.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Shoulders rounding.
Correction: Keep the chest proud and shoulders packed an retracted.
Error: Body leaning forward.
Correction: Stay tall and try to keep the chest facing forwards.