Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts!
Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days!
The steel club iron cross is an extremely demanding exercise that targets the shoulders, arms, and core. This movement is particularly challenging due to the leverage created by holding the weight of the club far away from your grip, and holding the club away from your body and to the side, placing you in a weakened position.
Teaching Points
- Initiate the movement from an advanced shoulder cast or press the club away from the body laterally.
- Lock out the arm and keep the shoulder packed down.
- Ensure your core is braced and quads and glutes are tight throughout.
- Hold the club laterally at shoulder height for time or progress the movement by rotating the torso 45 degrees.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Not keeping the club at shoulder height.
Correction: Regress the movement by reducing the load or choking up on the grip.