Steel Club Wrist Rolls
When training with Steel Clubs your wrists, forearms and elbows will experience large amounts of torque. Therefore it’s important to warm up them up thoroughly before your workout commences.
Teaching Points
- Hold the clubbell with a tight grip close to the muzzle.
- Roll the handle forwards one hand at a time in a flexion motion.
- Then, perform the same drill, but this time rolling the club backwards in an extension motion.
- Once you have performed 10 reps in each direction, move the handle back and forth so that your wrists are moving laterally.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Not twisting the handle through the full range of motion.
Correction: Ensure your wrists are fully flexed and extended.
Another excellent exercise to warm up the wrists, forearms and shoulders is the pinwheel. Perform 10 reps each side.
Teaching Points
- Stand with your feet hip width apart.
- Keep your spine neutral.
- Grip a broomstick (or light club) with your hands shoulder width apart.
- Hold the broomstick away from the body with straight arms at shoulder height.
- If you’re using a club, the hand closest to the muzzle should be facing upwards with your other hand facing downwards.
- Rotate your arms so that the hand closest to the muzzle crosses over and finishes on top.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Starting with a grip that is too wide.
Correction: Ensure your hands are shoulder width apart.
Steel Club Metronome
This exercise will prime your wrists, forearms and shoulders for rotational exercises. It’s also a great drill for learning how to control, stabilize and move the clubbell when you have it stacked vertically in front of the body.
Teaching Points
- Begin with your feet hip width apart.
- Keep your spine neutral.
- Grip the end of the neck close to the pommel and keep your hands close to your naval.
- Move the clubbell from side to side in a controlled manner whilst keeping your hands close to your naval.
- Keep your eyes fixated on the muzzle as it moves from the 10 o’clock position, to the 2 o’clock position.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Allowing the muzzle to drop too low.
Correction: Keep the muzzle between the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock position.
Steel Club Rotational Flag Press Lunge
Lunges are a unilateral exercise that improves balance and coordination. The lunge and twist is even more challenging due to the imbalance of holding the weight on one side of the body and the body having to stabilize the uneven load.
Teaching Points
- Hold the clubbell in the guard position.
- Lunge forward and place your heel on the floor.
- Your front shin should be vertical and your back knee bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Rotate your thoracic spine on the same side as your front leg. For example, if you lunge forward with your right leg, rotate right.
- Rotate your spine back to a neutral position, drive through the front heel, squeeze the gluteal muscles and return to a standing position.
6. Repeat the movement on the other side.
Common Problems & Solutions
Error: Pushing through the toes.
Correction: Lift toes off the floor and drive through the heels.
Dangerously Fit Steel Clubs sport a pommel handle, a powder coated finish and a perfectly weighted barrel forged from solid steel.
Inside our Steel Club Certification you’ll learn everything you need to know about heavy clubbell training, taking you from beginner to advanced with over 100 video tutorials teaching you the principles, fundamentals and advanced steel club training techniques.