Dr. Maltz from Psycho-Cybernetics is famous for saying it takes 21 days to form a good habit.
So to help you form new good habits and remove old bad habits we’re putting on a 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program.
Often getting started is the hardest part – so this program will help kickstart your new good habits so you can continue your journey to achieving your health and fitness goals.
This program is designed to teach you how to eat, train and live a healthy lifestyle.
The DF 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program will kick off with a one hour nutrition induction seminar explaining the nutrition aspect of the program so you have a thorough understating before you start.
Then… for 21 days you’ll keep a nutrition journal detailing everything that you eat and drink.
At the end of each week you’ll send your journal through to your DF body transformation trainer who will coach and guide you through the program.
You will need to attend at least 3 boot camp classes per week (you get unlimited access to all the classes on our timetable), and if possible attend our Saturday fat burning class (8.30am in the Eastern Suburbs and St George).
Then at the end of the 21 days you’ll be well on your way to getting your dream beach body.
Click here to check out some of our other DF members results
Because you will receive personalised coaching from one of our DF trainers, we can only accept 25 people into this program on a first come first served basis.
The program kicks off on Saturday 7th March at 8.30am and is FREE to all Dangerously Fit members or $147 to Non-Dangerously Fit members.
If you would like to reserve your spot please email the office at admin @ dangerosulyfit.com.au before 6pm Thursday 5th March.