Hey guys, Dan here from Dangerously Fit. In this week’s video, I’m performing the Steel Club Side Gamma Cast. This exercise targets the shoulders, grip, chest, back, and core.

With a normal shield cast, your shoulders remain square while the club rotates around them.

In this variation, the club rotates around the shoulders while the shoulders and thoracic spine are also rotating. This makes decelerating the club back into the order position very challenging.

The inside elbow circle moves the club from behind the body to the front of the body, while the outside elbow circle moves the club from the front of the body to behind the body.

Use the weight of the club during the backswing to help facilitate the rotational movement.

To begin with, use two hands so you have more control over the club. Then, when you feel you have mastered the movement, try taking one hand away and performing the exercise with a single arm.

When executing the inside shield cast (inside elbow circle), cast the club over the opposite shoulder (i.e., right hand/left shoulder) and use the momentum of the backswing to rotate the torso.

When performing the outside shield cast (outside elbow circle), cast the club over the same shoulder (i.e., right hand/right shoulder) like you’re doing an arm cast, and simultaneously complete an outside elbow circle to rotate the shoulders and thoracic spine.