Steel Club Side Push Press To Reverse Mill
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Side Push Press To Reverse Mill

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One of the things I love about club training is it’s so easy to train in multiple planes of movement. So much of traditional strength training takes place in the sagittal plane (linear)

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beginner club exercises
Adjustable Club
Dan Clay

23 Beginner Club Exercises Try these 23 heavy club exercises: Swing Clean Arm cast Shoulder cast Advanced shoulder cast Iron cross rotation Flag press Torch press Shield cast

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Steel Club Toe Squat
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Toe Squats Steel Club Toe Squats is a highly effective exercise that specifically targets key muscle groups, including the quadriceps, calves, shoulders, core, and grip. By

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Steel Club Switch Mill Squats
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Switch Mill Squats Steel Club Switch Mill Squats is a dynamic and challenging exercise that combines the benefits of a switch mill with the added intensity of

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Steel club alternating side swipe
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Alternating Side Swipe

The steel club alternating side swipe is similar to the regular side swipe, except that instead of finishing the movement in the bottom swing position, you complete a 180-degree rotation and execute a side swipe on the opposite side.

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Steel clubbell side lunge swipe
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Clubbell Side Lunge Swipe

The steel clubbell side lunge swipes is great multi-planar exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. The swipe targets the upper and lower body in the sagittal plane (linear), whilst the side lunge targets the lower body in frontal plane (laterally).

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Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Clean Variations Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts!  DF INNER CIRCLE Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS The steel club

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Steel Club Switch Swing Squats
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Switch Swing Squat Introduction: The “Steel Club Switch Swing Squat” is a dynamic and challenging full-body movement designed to enhance strength, mobility, and coordination. Combining elements of

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steel clubbell switch swipes
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Switch Swipes

Steel club switch swipes engages the core, targets shoulder and arm strength, activates the latissimus dorsi for improved back strength, enhances thoracic mobility, and improves overall stability through dynamic weight transfer, promoting better balance and coordination.

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Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Clubbell Mill to Squat The steel clubbell mill to squat is a great full-body exercise that combines the upper body clubbell mill with the lower body squat. The

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steel club flag press rotational iron cross
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Flag Press To Rotational Iron Cross

The steel club flag press to rotational iron cross is a very challenging movement. You have the leverage disadvantage of the offset load of the club, the leverage disadvantage of holding the club so far away from your body. Plus, moving the club a full 180 degrees around the body.

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Steel Club Two Handed Mill to Lunge
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Two Handed Mill To Lunge The Steel Club Two-Handed Mill to Lunge combines the traditional two-handed mill with lunges, making it a full body exercise for developing strength, flexibility,

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Steel Club Squats
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Squats Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS Overview The steel

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Steel Club Swing, Lunge, Flag Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Swing Lunge Flag Press Introduction: The “Steel Club Swing, Lunge & Flag Press” is a dynamic exercise targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Combining elements of a two-handed swing,

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Steel Club Iron Cross
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Iron Cross Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS Overview The steel

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Steel Club Deadlift
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Single Leg Deadlift Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS Overview Steel club

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Steel Club 360 Swings
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club 360 Swings

Overview Steel club 360 swings will work your core like nothing else, be sure to keep your abs braced and hips locked in and shoulders

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Steel Club Mill
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Single Mill

Overview The steel club single mill is a traditional club exercise and is fantastic for building shoulder strength and mobility. Mills increase athletic performance for

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Steel Club Bullwhip
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Bullwhip

Overview The steel club bullwhip is an excellent exercise for opening up the shoulders, building shoulder strength and mobility and increasing grip strength. Practice the bullwhip

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Steel Club Gamma Cast
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Gamma Cast

Overview The steel club gamma cast is an excellent exercise for developing circular strength, the Gamma Cast will bullet proof your shoulders like nothing else!

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Steel Club Shield Cast
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Shield Cast

Overview The Steel Club Shield Cast is a similar exercise to the Gamma cast, except instead of alternating between going over the left shoulder then

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Steel Club Clock Squat
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Clock Squat

Overview The steel club clock squat is often confused with the side shoulder clean but there is a slight difference. The side clean works one

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Steel Club Inside 180's
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Inside 180’s

Overview Steel Club 180’s are very a similar exercise to side cleans, except instead of stopping the movement at the bottom of the side swing

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Steel Club Outside Clean
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Outside Clean

Overview The steel club outside clean is essentially the same as the inside clean, but instead of casting the club towards the midline of the

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Steel Club Inside Clean
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Inside Cleans

Overview Steel club inside side cleans are a great prep exercise for some of the more complex lateral movements that come later in the program

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steel club thrusters
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Thrusters

Overview Only attempt steel club thrusters when you are comfortable in the order position. The thruster is an excellent exercise to work both the lower

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Steel Club Snatch
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Snatch Done-For-You Online Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Steel Club & Steel Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS

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Steel Clubbell Torch Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Torch Press

The steel club torch press is a great exercise that works the shoulders as well as the core. Unlike a traditional shoulder press where the

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Steel Club Push Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Push Press

Overview Similar to the swing, except you’ll finish the movement by locking out your arms at shoulder height. Another exercise where you should only use

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Steel Club Torch Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Torch Press

Overview The steel club torch press is harder than it looks because the leverage disadvantage of the clubbell, plus the club is held far away

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steel club l press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club L Press

Overview The steel club L Press will really test your stability and co-ordination, try not to rush through the movement, press the clubs in a

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Steel Club Arnie Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Arnie Press

Overview You might be familiar with this exercise using dumbbells. The Steel Club Arnie Press is a perfect example of how you can take a

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Steel Club Swipes
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Swipes

Overview I like to do steel club swipes for high reps towards the end of my workout for metabolic conditioning. It combines the swing with

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Steel Club Flag Press
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Flag Press

Overview Pressing an unstable object like the clubbell far away from the body makes the steel club flag press a very challenging core exercise. Teaching

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Steel Club Swing Squat
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Swing Squat

Overview Very similar to the swing except you’ll immediately drop into a squat at the top of the upswing. The steel club swing squat is

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steel club double rock it
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Double Rock It

Overview When you’re comfortable with the Single Steel Club Rock-it, try the Double Steel Club Rock-it. Always learn club movements with one clubbell before moving

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Steel Club Warm Up
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Warm Up

Steel Club Wrist Rolls Overview When training with Steel Clubs your wrists, forearms and elbows will experience large amounts of torque. Therefore it’s important to

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Steel Club Side Snatch
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Side Snatch This exercise is called the steel clubbell side snatch, it’s essentially the same movement as a normal sagittal plane snatch, the only difference is

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Steel Club Breathing
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Breathing

Focus on your exhales and let the inhales take care of themselves, if you focus on inhaling it’s easy to hold your breathe which we

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Steel Club Stance
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Posture & Stance

Overview With traditional Indian club training you would normally stand with your heals together and feet pointed 45 degrees out, this is called the military

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Steel club two handed rotational mill
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Two Handed Rotational Mill

The exercise is called the Two-Handed Rotational Mill, and it’s similar to the Two-Handed Alternating Mill, but with a twist.
It involves changing directions on each side and allows for movement around the body, making it great for different planes of movement and athleticism.

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Steel Club Arm Balance Row
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Club Arm Balance Row Done-For-You Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Club & Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS Overview The steel

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Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Clubbell Sots Press Done-For-You Online Steel Club & Steel Mace Workouts! DF INNER CIRCLE Master Steel Club & Steel Mace Training in just 7-Days! 7 DAY MASTERCLASS

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Steel Clubbell Swipe Lunge
Steel Club Exercises
Dan Clay

Steel Clubbell Swipe to Reverse Lunge

This exercise is known as the steel clubbell swipe reverse lunge. It involves performing our swipe movement, which functions as our swing. Within this movement, we engage our posterior chain muscles, targeting the glutes and hamstrings.

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